KYOEI STEEL Ltd. (hereinafter "the Company") conducts disclosure activities based on, and in conformity with, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan and all other applicable laws and regulations (hereinafter "laws and regulations") as well as rules concerning timely disclosure of corporate information by issuers of listed securities (hereinafter "Timely Disclosure Rules"), as stipulated by the stock exchanges on which the Company’s shares are listed. The Company also discloses information, in a fair and timely manner, which is not stipulated in the Timely Disclosure Rules, when the Company considers that such information could materially affect the investment decisions of shareholders and other investors, or it could be useful in fostering a deeper understanding of the Company.
The Company discloses information, as stipulated in the Timely Disclosure Rules, on the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and also posts the information promptly on the website of the Company to widely disseminate it. In case of releasing other information which is not stipulated in the Timely Disclosure Rules, the Company also endeavors to disseminate the information as fairly and widely as possible through its website or by other means.
The Company has set up a silent ("closed window") period from the day after the earnings release until the announcement of its financial results for every quarter to prevent the leakage of earnings information and thus ensures fairness. During the silent period, the Company refrains from answering questions or making other comments pertaining to its financial results. However, when the Company determines that its latest projections for the financial results will differ from the earlier projections and has to revise them in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules, the Company will promptly announce the revised projections.
This website contains forward-looking statements that reflect management’s views and assumptions in the light of information currently available with respect to certain future events, including expected financial position, operating results and business strategies. These statements can be identified by the use of terms such as "will," "believes," "should," "projects," "plans," "expects," and similar terms and expressions that identify future events or expectations. Actual results may differ materially from those projected, and the events and results of such forward-looking assumptions cannot be assured.
The IR information on this website is intended to provide financial information and management indices, and others, of KYOEI STEEL Ltd,. (hereinafter “the Company”). No warrant or representation is made by the Company for the contents of the website.
Furthermore, the information published on this website has not been produced for the purpose of soliciting investment. The Company requests the avoidance of placing undue reliance on information posted on this website to make investment decisions and instead ask that investors make investment decisions based on their own judgment.
The Company does pay meticulous attention to the information published on this website. However the Company will not be liable for any problem, loss or damage, indirect or consequential, arising from any inaccuracy on this website, manipulation of information by third parties, download of information, and so forth.
The information on this website is subject to change, and operation of the website itself is subject to discontinuation without prior notice. The website may not be used properly depending on the communication environment, the users' computer conditions, and other reasons. The Company does not assume any responsibility for any troubles, losses, or damages resulting from the use of this website.